Emmasgotnolife PNGtuber Commissions
here is some basic info on me and my commissions, for more info dm me on discord or twitter! if none suit email will also work!
Payments through PayPal only
Discord: emmasgotnolife
Twitter: @emmasgotnolife
Email: [email protected]
The drawings use the same base body sketchs drawn by me for each PNGtuber to allow my prices to be lower, these are adjusted for different bodys. Every commission is still customised and lined individually.
After sending through a sketch and the client is satisfied with it, I will require payment then have the finished drawing done within a few days.
I will use Paypal ONLY for commissions, be this either through Paypal itself or Ko-fi
Once payment is accepted there is no refund and I will finish the product within a few days (typically 1-5 days) unless I let the client know otherwise
references are required for persona's so I know who I'm drawing (a picrew is fine as long as I have something to reference!)
tracing of the artwork commissioned is strictly NOT ALLOWED nor is the client allowed to claim the artwork as their own.
The client is free to use their finished drawings for any purpose that isn't NSFW or reselling.
I have the right to use the artwork for examples of my work on social media or my portfolio.
I will not draw...
anything I'm uncomfortable with
art that goes against creators boundaries
Work examples
PNGtuber Plus Full body
carrd won't let me upload the gifs but my Ko-fi has the gifs for these!
PNGtuber Plus Half Body
PNGtuber Plus Bust-up
The last two are old images only here for examples of cropping for bust up commissions.